Saturday, 20 December 2014

Vis Com #1 - Poster

Brief: Produce a poster from a selection of artist's quotes.

I chose Mark Rothko's quote "Silence is so accurate".

Final outcome.

I chose the style because I wanted the image to stand out. I also chose different styles of type because I wanted to experiment with how text is presented.

I used a human more than anything else because we can relate to the word silence more.

I enjoyed this task as it was short and the end product was 'to the point'.

If I could change parts of this it would have to be the background as it did not turn out the way I liked it to be.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Exploratory #2

  For Exploratory #2, I've chosen to develop one of my collage pieces I did in Week 2 of Exploratory #1. I chose this piece because, to me, it looks visually effective with the way I  fill the negative space with different styles of words and it could have a powerful message behind it to some people about society and how women constantly strive for their idea of "perfection". I also chose this piece because of my interest in the human form and portraiture as a whole, which drew me closer towards the collage.

I developed these ideas further. First off, I chose the develop the portrait part of the collage with using inspiration from Voka with his style of painting. I researched and sketched out some poses of the female face by using the library books as references. I'll go on to using this painting to create other images using PhotoShop & Gimp 2.0 through other artist's inspiration.

Using this image into Barbara Kruger's style of using typography over the top of the image to show a bold phrase/sentence in an advertising way. Then I took on Kruger's style of collage and carried on with making samples of her work. I took the red out of the black and white like she did as it is an aggressive colour that makes the viewer interested.

Next I tried to create my themed idea into a 3D form, so I looked into Michael Murphy's and Pauline Galiana's style of 3D installation/sculptures. I took their ideas together and created a 3D wood skull and make a vacuum form mold of a face and collage it, taking Kruger's typography forward onto the next step of my Exploratory #2. With the mold I also placed it on top of one of my sample PhotoShop piece that was from my Voka painting, to see the colours stand out with both materials overlapping. I also made another vacuum form mold of a face and completely used collage with the eyes cut out; like a disguise or an actual mask for whats underneath the beauty on top. With the other mold I made I photographed someone with it on, like a mask just to see what it looked like, as an experiment.

 As an extra experiment, I searched up John Stezaker, who merged faces together through collage. I did one in PhotoShop and some in collage and photographed then, then I made one together with collage and photograph of a piece I made before.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Drawing Week - Day 4: Pears

  My Drawings:

  I really liked the last day of the drawing week because it's more still life than drawings a mixture of things which make the piece of work look abstract, like the photo space. I found this day quite easy for me because it's what I really like to do so I felt like I can finish this section of the drawing week quickly. I did try to do some more quick sketchy-style painting for the '50 marks' one which I found looks quite effective with the use of media materials I used.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Drawing Week - Day 3: Nature

  I missed this day of drawing, but I did half at home. From what I've done I liked it but I found it quite messy, just like the photo space just because it can be quite abstract with the brush strokes or/and pencil marks.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Drawing Week - Day 2: Skeletons & a Gramaphone

  My position whilst drawing in the space:

My Drawings:

  I did find this day really enjoyable; much better than the photo space because there is something to copy and you know what it looks like, unlike drawing lines and getting away with it easily. I like how I can draw detail and my observational skills can come out in my work, especially in the 12 sample picture (in the left).

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Drawing Week - Day 1: Photo Space

  Our brief:

My Drawings:

I didn't find this day as enjoyable as I thought I would because it's drawing in quite an abstract and loose fashion and it didn't make me like that so much. Although I gave it a go I just didn't get the most out of that specific day.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Week 4 - 3D Sculpture

  For our task we had to create objects which symbolized a narrative of a "journey". I created a few sculptures in this area shown below.

Sketching out ideas...

Final maquettes.

All miniture sculptures I've made.

  I like the 3D cubes falling the most and I found this idea the most interesting becuase to me it's quite a kinetic sculpture from how the cubes are placed; like they're about to move or it's like a freeze-frame before they all topple on one another.

I did enjoy this part of the exploratory and I found this is the best workshop for me in the course so far because I've never done 3D models of anything before which I find interesting.

Week 4 - Surface

  Our task was to create 16 squares of different surfaces (4 from each material) and we were given only 4 materials to choose from. I chose gum tape, tissue paper, brown paper with paint on it and string. I also used a cutting knife and board to create negative space in the square given. Afterwards to pick 12 of the 16 you created and combine to make 6, then the 6 combined into 3 then the 3 you created to combine to 3 large scale pieces.

All 16 samples.

12 of the 16 samples I've chosen.

6 from the 12 combined samples.

3 from the 6 combined samples.

1st of the 3 larger scale pieces.

2nd of the 3 larger scale pieces.

3rd of the 3 larger scale pieces.

  Easy? - I found the cutting and sticking process fairly easy and making them simplistic made it easier for me to merge each square with one another.
  Difficult? - to keep concentrating on getting 25 individual squares completed and to make 3 large scale ones done with the time given.
  I have enjoyed today even though I did feel this exercise is quite simple and easy for me but it was good to think creatively how to merge each material with each other and to create interesting patterns.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Week 3 - Digital Media

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  Here are some screenshots of what I did at home due to illness I missed this part of exploratory.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Week 2 - Visual Communication

For the first part of this workshop is to draw a perfect square with a letter you've chosen inside the square, drawn to scale. Also we had to create random squares with mixed media lettering, ranging from ink, acrylic, oil pastels, felt tips, charcoal, and graphite.

Type Faces;
- Serif Font - traditional, formal, embellished.
- Sans Serif - informal, simple, fun, stylish, modern.

  For the second part of the workshop we worked on easels for doing timed drawings in different mediums all on A1, then to draw an A1 big piece of your object in all different mediums you can get on paper. Then do the same with more of an organic object. I chose a pair of pliers and for my second object/s a rose and a leaf.
We had to use the positive and negative space to create an interesting piece.

Drawing the perfect square and perfect letter proportions.

Typography Experiments

1st Photo of Development

2nd Photo of Development

3rd Photo of Development

4th Photo of Development - Pair of Pliers/Wire-Cutters

Organic Final Copy of Rose and a Leaf

  Easy? - I found the second part easy because that is what I enjoy painting and drawing.

  Difficult? - I found the first part hard because it really tested my patience. Even though I am a patient person I couldn't stand doing the square very well but I tried.

  I did enjoy elements of this workshop and definitely want to do something like this in Exploratory 2 before our pathways because I do like the drawing aspects of Visual Communication.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Week 2 - Collage

  We had to create between 5 to 10 collages on A4 paper out of a choice of two magazines, books, newspapers etc. and each must link together like a series.
  My theme I chose to run through my collages was the distortion of female beauty in the media of modern-day society. This is because it is an issue with nowadays young people and I wanted to bring forth the obvious problems and things we point out in the media today. I also wanted to show what society's expectations of women and how we should look and be like verses the reality. I used two magazines due to most of pop culture and fashion are the main content in the magazines I chose.
  I did like the exercise due to us choosing what we wanted to do because I am fascinated with how people are composed as a whole so I focused on what I enjoyed.

  Easy? - Finding a theme and creating an interesting collage from it and using negative space around the piece to make it look more interesting - especially when its photocopied to bring out the torn edges and the difference in patterns that you didn't notice before. Its like giving a new angle on your own work which is intriguing for me.

  Difficult? - I personally didn't find anything particularly difficult.
  I would like to do something like this again because I really liked this exercise a lot more than the ones I've already done but there's still more to do.